
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रवृत्तिम् च निवृत्तिम् च जना न विदुरासुराः ।
न शौचम् नापि च आचारो न सत्यम् तेषु विद्यते ॥ ७ ॥

pravRttim ca nivRttim ca janA na vidurAsurAH |
na zaucam nApi ca AcAro na satyam teSu vidyate || 7 ||

आसुराः जनाः [AsurAH janAH] Those who disregard My instructions न विदुः [na viduH] do not know प्रवृत्तिम् [pravRttim] exertion and achievement निवृत्तिम् च [nivRttim ca] from actions that done in liberty . अपि तेषु विद्यते न [api teSu vidyate na] They don’t have शौचम् च [zaucam ca] a sense of cleanliness either, न आचारः [na AcAraH] nor a sense of conduct न सत्यम् [na satyam] nor do they say it ‘as it is’ with the aim to benefit another.

Those who disregard the Lord’s instructions do not know exertion from liberation - they don’t know the achievement of prosperity from the achievement of liberty , described in the scriptures.

They don’t have a sense of cleanliness - Here, ‘cleanliness’ is the qualification to perform as per the scriptures, both in appearance as well as in essence.

They don’t have a sense of conduct either - the conduct required to maintain this cleanliness in both appearance and essence. An example of this conduct is the practice of सन्ध्यावन्दन [sandhyAvandana] , which involves bathing, acknowledging nature and regulating breath. It is said in [manusmr’ti], 2.22: ‘The man who does not practice सन्ध्यावन्दन [sandhyAvandana] and has no cleanliness and isn’t qualified to perform’.

The word सत्य [satya] is about ‘saying it as it is’ - saying what we have known and inferred, saying it with an intention to benefit our listeners. People who disregard the Lord’s instructions are incapable of this.

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