
For Eternal Beginners

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विधिहीनम् असृष्टान्नम् मन्त्रहीनम् अदक्षिणम् ।
श्रद्धा विरहितम् यज्ञम् तामसम् परिचक्षते ॥ १३ ॥

vidhihInam asRSTAnnam mantrahInam adakSiNam |
zraddhA virahitam yajJam tAmasam paricakSate || 13 ||

यज्ञम् [yajJam] A ritual विधि हीनम् [vidhi hInam] that disregards all methods असृष्टान्नम् [asRSTAnnam] with inappropriate materials, मन्त्रहीन [mantrahIna] devoid of prayer अदक्षिणम् [adakSiNam] and offering श्रद्धा विरहितम् [zraddhA virahitam] done without focus परिचक्षते [paricakSate] is condemned तामसम् [tAmasam] to be in the quality of tamas .

Purposelessness brings ignorance.

A ritual that disregards all method is done without the instruction of Brahmins. A Brahmin is one who leads a virtuous life, having learnt the methods of worship. This worship is done with inappropriate materials, which are not recommended in the scriptures. It is not done with the Protector in mind. It has no offerings and is devoid of focus. This kind of worship is condemned to be in the quality of tamas .

Next, to describe the three forms of discipline that go by the three qualities , The Lord explains the characteristics of our body, our speech and our mind - they are the ones that make up our discipline.

The three qualities give behavior. Our behavior enhances them further.