For Eternal Beginners
मूढ ग्राहेण आत्मनो यत् पीडया क्रियते तपः ।
परस्योत्सादनार्थम् वा तत् तामसम् उदाहृतम् ॥ १९ ॥
mUDha grAheNa Atmano yat pIDayA kriyate tapaH |
parasyotsAdanArtham vA tat tAmasam udAhRtam || 19 ||
यत् तपः क्रियते
[yat tapaH kriyate]
Discipline that’s practiced मूढ ग्राहेण
[mUDha grAheNa]
with confused perceptions आत्मनः पीडया
[AtmanaH pIDayA]
to torment oneself, वा
or परस्य उत्सादनार्थम्
[parasya utsAdanArtham]
practiced in order to put aside others तत् उदाहृतम्
[tat udAhRtam]
- such discipline is said to be तामसम्
in the quality of
People with confused perceptions do not make the right judgement. In this confusion, they apply themselves without considering the limits of their abilities. Such discipline is done for self-torment. This, along with any discipline that’s meant to put aside others is said to be in the quality of tamas .
Next, the Lord goes ahead to describe the three ways in which things can be given - the three forms of charity.