
For Eternal Beginners

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आहारस्त्वपि सर्वस्य त्रिविधो भवति प्रियः ।
यज्ञः तपः तथा दानम् तेषाम् भेदम् इमम् शृणु ॥ ७ ॥

AhArastvapi sarvasya trividho bhavati priyaH |
yajJaH tapaH tathA dAnam teSAm bhedam imam zRNu || 7 ||

सर्वस्य प्रियः [sarvasya priyaH] Everyone’s favorite आहारः [AhAraH] food तु अपि [tu api] also त्रिविधः भवति [trividhaH bhavati] falls into three categories. तथा [tathA] Same is the case with यज्ञ [yajJa] worship, तपः [tapaH] discipline तथा [tathA] and दानम् [dAnam] charity. शृणु [zRNu] Listen इमम् भेदम् [imam bhedam] to the distinctions तेषाम् [teSAm] between them.

The favorite food of every type of being goes according to its association with the three qualities . In this way, eating habits are of three types too. In the same way, worship is of three types, so also discipline and charity. Listen to the distinctions between them. Listen to the distinct qualities of food, thought and charity - in terms of sattva , rajas and tamas , the qualities that cause these distinctions.