
For Eternal Beginners

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अयुक्तः प्राकृतः स्तब्धः शठो नैकृतिकोऽलसः ।
विषादी दीर्घ सूत्री च कर्ता तामस उच्यते ॥ २८ ॥

ayuktaH prAkRtaH stabdhaH zaTho naikRtiko'lasaH |
viSAdI dIrgha sUtrI ca kartA tAmasa ucyate || 28 ||

अयुक्तः [ayuktaH] A person who doesn’t apply himself प्राकृतः [prAkRtaH] is ordinary, स्तब्धः [stabdhaH] stiff and pretentious. शठः [zaThaH] He is offensive, नैकृतिकः [naikRtikaH] vile, आलसः [AlasaH] lazy, विषादी [viSAdI] dejected [ca] and दीर्घ सूत्री [dIrgha sUtrI] spins a long yarn. कर्ता [kartA] Such a doer उच्यते [ucyate] is said to be तामस [tAmasa] in the quality of tamas .

A person who doesn’t apply himself is unfit to do the work prescribed in the scriptures. Instead, he keeps committing misdeeds. This person turns out to be ordinary, being ignorant of the Self and the Lord.

Without the inclination to begin an activity, he is stiff and pretentious. He tends towards dubious activities, making him offensive. This person is vile, making him untrustworthy. Even in activities that he has started, he idles - he is lazy.

Due to excessive fatigue and apathy, he gets dejected. Such a person tends to spin a long yarn, plotting the downfall of others for an extended period of time. This type of a doer is in the quality of tamas .

In this way, the distinct forms of awareness, activity and its doers were described. Awareness initiates activity, in which we become the doers. All of them go by the three qualities .

Next, the distinctions in intellect and resolve are described, going by the same three qualities . Our principles come from intellect and resolve. They concern all our goals.