
For Eternal Beginners

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बुद्धेः भेदम् धृथेः चैव गुणतः त्रिविधम् शृणु ।
प्रोच्यमानम् अशेषेण पृथक्त्वेन धनन्जय ॥ २९ ॥

buddheH bhedam dhRtheH caiva guNataH trividham zRNu |
procyamAnam azeSeNa pRthaktvena dhananjaya || 29 ||

धनन्जय [dhananjaya] Arjuna, शृणु [zRNu] listen त्रिविधम् [trividham] to the three types बुद्धेः [buddheH] of intellect चैव [caiva] and धृतेः [dhRteH] the three types of resolve. गुणतः भेदम् [guNataH bhedam] They are distinguished by the three qualities . पृथक्त्वेन [pRthaktvena] Each of them प्रोच्यमानम् [procyamAnam] will now be described अशेषेण [azeSeNa] in completeness.

Let’s examine intellect and resolve.

We ‘perceive’ by putting together stimuli that are sensed by our organs. For instance, when something is sharp and looks shiny, we are convinced that it’s a metal knife. Our intellect gives that conviction.

Irrespective of what our intellect says, we can still choose our path. That choice is our Resolve.

‘Intellect’ is the intelligence that enables us to discern - to perceive clearly. It reflects as the conviction that happens prior to perception.

‘Resolve’ is about being steadfast and maintaining our course, even in the face of adversity.

Intellect and Resolve have three distinct forms each, going by the three qualities of sattva , rajas and tamas . Their distinctions will now be described individually. Listen to them.