
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रवृत्तिम् च निवृत्तिम् च कार्याकार्ये भयाभये ।
बन्धम् मोक्षम् च या वेत्ति बुद्धिः सा पार्थ सात्विकी ॥ ३० ॥

pravRttim ca nivRttim ca kAryAkArye bhayAbhaye |
bandham mokSam ca yA vetti buddhiH sA pArtha sAtvikI || 30 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, या बुद्धिः [yA buddhiH] the intellect , which सात्विकी [sAtvikI] is in sattva सा वेत्ति [sA vetti] knows प्रवृत्तिम् [pravRttim] the activities of this world च निवृत्तिम् [ca nivRttim] and the tranquility of liberation. कार्य अकर्ये [kArya akarye] It knows what’s to be done, what’s not to be done. भय च अभये [bhaya ca abhaye] It knows about being afraid and being free from fear. बन्धम् [bandham] It knows bondage च मोक्षम् [ca mokSam] and liberty.

We discern with our intellect.

The endeavors of this world are for achieving prosperity. There are other endeavors to achieve the tranquility of liberation. When the intellect is in the quality of sattva , it knows them as they are.

A person’s profession, along with the time, place and stage of his life determine his activities to achieve prosperity and liberation. This intellect knows the activities that are prescribed and forbidden.

Being in sattva , this intellect knows the fear that comes from going against the scriptures and the freedom from fear that comes from complying with them.

It knows the character of this world and the cycle of bondage it brings. It also knows ‘liberty’ as the exit from this cycle.