
For Eternal Beginners

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यया धर्मम् अधर्मम् च कार्यम् च अकार्यम् एव च ।
अयथावत् प्रजानाति बुद्धिः सा पार्थ राजसी ॥ ३१ ॥

yayA dharmam adharmam ca kAryam ca akAryam eva ca |
ayathAvat prajAnAti buddhiH sA pArtha rAjasI || 31 ||

धर्मम् [dharmam] There is conduct that elevates us च अधर्मम् [ca adharmam] and there’s conduct that depresses. पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, यया [yayA] the intellect by which अयथावत् प्रजानाति [ayathAvat prajAnAti] a person gets a distorted understanding in this matter, एव [eva] even distorting कार्यम् [kAryam] activities that must be done अकार्यम् [akAryam] and those that are forbidden सा राजसी [sA rAjasI] - such intellect is in rajas .

With the intellect in the quality of rajas , a person gets a distorted understanding of the two types of activities mentioned before - activities that lead to prosperity and those that achieve liberty.

Even while focusing on prosperity or liberty, such intellect is misleading in terms of what must be done and what’s forbidden. This brings disregard for the appropriate place and time to do those activities.