
For Eternal Beginners

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धृत्या यया धारयते मनः प्राणेन्द्रिय क्रियाः ।
योगेन अव्यभिचारिण्या धृतिः सा पार्थ सात्विकी ॥ ३३ ॥

dhRtyA yayA dhArayate manaH prANendriya kriyAH |
yogena avyabhicAriNyA dhRtiH sA pArtha sAtvikI || 33 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, धृत्या [dhRtyA] the resolve यया [yayA] by which क्रियाः [kriyAH] activities मनः [manaH] of the mind, प्राण [prANa] breath इन्द्रिय [indriya] and the organs धारयते [dhArayate] are sustained अव्यभिचारिण्या योगेन [avyabhicAriNyA yogena] with unflinching devotion सा धृतिः [sA dhRtiH] - such resolve सात्विकी [sAtvikI] is in sattva .

We sustain with our resolve.

A person sustains his activities with devotion, by the resolve that’s in sattva . This includes the activities of his mind, activities such as breathing and activities of his organs. This ‘devotion’ is the worship of The Lord with the purpose of achieving moksha .

Devotion is unwavering when we practice it without straying. In this, we have the worship of The Lord as the sole purpose of all our activities. Our activities that accomplish this purpose are sustained by resolve that’s in sattva .