
For Eternal Beginners

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यया तु धर्म कामार्थान् धृत्या धारयते अर्जुन ।
प्रसंगेन फलाकांक्षी धृतिः सा पार्थ राजसी ॥ ३४ ॥

yayA tu dharma kAmArthAn dhRtyA dhArayate arjuna |
prasaMgena phalAkAMkSI dhRtiH sA pArtha rAjasI || 34 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, तु [tu] on the other hand, यया धृत्या [yayA dhRtyA] the resolve by which फलाकांक्षी [phalAkAMkSI] an outcome-driven person धारयते [dhArayate] sustains धर्म काम अर्थान् [dharma kAma arthAn] righteousness, desires and wealth, प्रसंगेन [prasaMgena] and does so with great attachment सा धृतिः [sA dhRtiH] - such resolve राजसी [rAjasI] is in rajas .

Activities related to righteousness, desires and wealth need to be sustained with great expectations. These expectations come with attachment to outcomes. A person sustains such activities with a resolve that’s in rajas .

The outcomes of these activities are in rajas as well. They are also in the form of righteousness, desires or wealth.

In this way, activities of the mind and body done in anticipation of wealth, desires or righteousness are sustained by a resolve that’s in the quality of rajas .