
For Eternal Beginners

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ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय विशाम् शूद्राणाम् च परन्तप ।
कर्माणि प्रविभक्तानि स्वभाव प्रभवैः गुणैः ॥ ४१ ॥

brAhmaNa kSatriya vizAm zUdrANAm ca parantapa |
karmANi pravibhaktAni svabhAva prabhavaiH guNaiH || 41 ||

परन्तप [parantapa] Arjuna, कर्माणि [karmANi] the activities ब्राह्मण [brAhmaNa] of philosophers, क्षत्रिय [kSatriya] administrators, विशाम् [vizAm] traders, [ca] and शूद्र [zUdra] assistants प्रविभक्तानि [pravibhaktAni] are classified गुणैः [guNaiH] as per the qualities स्वभाव प्रभवैः [svabhAva prabhavaiH] that come from their inherent nature.

We have committed deeds since beginning-less time. These deeds have resulted in our birth in the current form. The influence of these deeds gives the essence of our body, in the form of three qualities - sattva , rajas and tamas .

Our inherent nature is ‘inherited’ from a combination of these qualities.

In this way, the inherent nature of philosophers, administrators and traders comes from the influence of the deeds they have committed since beginning-less time.

The inherent nature of a philosopher brings forth the quality of sattva and subdues the qualities of rajas and tamas .

The inherent nature of an administrator overpowers the qualities of tamas and sattva , bringing the quality of rajas forward.

A trader’s inherent nature subdues the qualities of sattva and rajas , giving a slight upper-hand to the quality of tamas .

On the other hand, those who merely assist have an inherent nature that subdues the qualities of rajas and sattva , leaving a dominant quality of tamas .

The activities in the scriptures are classified according to the qualities in our inherent nature. The scriptures illustrate the qualities present in philosophers, administrators, traders and assistants. They illustrate their activities and their professions as well.