
For Eternal Beginners

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18-44 second part

परिचर्यात्मकम् कर्म शूद्रस्यापि स्वभावजम् ॥ ४४ ॥

paricaryAtmakam karma zUdrasyApi svabhAvajam || 44 ||

परिचर्यात्मकम् [paricaryAtmakam] Service to others शूद्रस्यापि कर्म [zUdrasyApi karma] is the activity of those who just assist. स्वभावजम् [svabhAvajam] Such activity is natural for them.

People were grouped into the three groups based on their external activities. Those who attend to the needs of these three groups are the ones who assist. Attending to the three groups and their activities is natural to them.

These four groups, their activities, their professions and duties are laid out in the scriptures. Their listing is merely illustrative.

Activities such as the worship of the Lord are common to all groups of people. Activities such as the practice of tranquility are common to those who desire liberation .

The quality of sattva is predominant in a philosopher. Due to this, the activities of tranquility and restraint happen naturally, with ease. These activities are said to come from innate character.

In administrators and traders, rajas and tamas are predominant. For them, activities such as tranquility and restraint are tough to practice – these activities aren’t known to be in their innate character.

The occupation of a philosopher is to worship, and carry out worship on behalf of someone else; It is also to teach and accept offerings. The occupation of an administrator is to take care of society. That of a trader is to invest, as mentioned before. The duty and occupation of an assistant is to assist in the occupation of the other three.