
For Eternal Beginners

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18-51 to 18-53

बुध्या विशुद्धया युक्तो धृत्यात्मानम् नियम्य च ।
शब्दादीन् विषयान् त्यक्त्वा राग द्वेषौ व्युदस्य च ॥ ५१ ॥
विविक्तसेवी लघ्वाशी यत वाक् काय मानसः ।
ध्यानयोगपरो नित्यम् वैराग्यम् समुपाश्रितः ॥ ५२ ॥
अहंकारम् बलम् दर्पम् कामम् क्रोधम् परिग्रहम् ।
विमुच्य निर्ममः शान्तो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ ५३ ॥

budhyA vizuddhayA yukto dhRtyAtmAnam niyamya ca |
zabdAdIn viSayAn tyaktvA rAga dveSau vyudasya ca || 51 ||
viviktasevI laghvAzI yata vAk kAya mAnasaH |
dhyAnayogaparo nityam vairAgyam samupAzritaH || 52 ||
ahaMkAram balam darpam kAmam krodham parigraham |
vimucya nirmamaH zAnto brahmabhUyAya kalpate || 53 ||

युक्तः [yuktaH] Endowed विशुद्धया [vizuddhayA] with a clean बुद्ध्या [buddhyA] intellect, नियम्य [niyamya] controlling आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] the mind धृत्या [dhRtyA] with resolve , त्यक्त्वा [tyaktvA] having let go of विषयान् [viSayAn] stimuli शब्दादीन् [zabdAdIn] such as sounds, touch, sights, taste and smell, व्युदस्य [vyudasya] abandoning रग द्वेषौ [raga dveSau] both desires and hatred, विविक्तसेवी [viviktasevI] practicing solitude, लघ्वाशी [laghvAzI] eating within limits, यत [yata] having disciplined वाक् [vAk] his speech, काय [kAya] temperament मानसः [mAnasaH] and his mind, ध्यानयोग परः [dhyAnayoga paraH] intent on concentration नित्यम् [nityam] always, समुपाश्रितः [samupAzritaH] taking recourse to वैरग्यम् [vairagyam] shunning his desires, विमुच्य [vimucya] casting aside अहंकारम् [ahaMkAram] the notion that the body is the Self, बलम् [balam] the force of past deeds that carry it along, दर्पम् [darpam] the arrogance that comes from such a notion, कामम् [kAmam] desire, क्रोधम् [krodham] anger, परिग्रहम् [parigraham] grabbing material items, निर्ममः [nirmamaH] without possessiveness towards objects that don’t belong to him, शान्तः [zAntaH] being peaceful, कल्पते [kalpate] he is fit ब्रह्मभूयाय [brahmabhUyAya] to realize the Self in its true form.

With a clean intellect, the Self is seen in its true form - free from its environment.

A person with such intellect controls his mind with resolve - he doesn’t mind turning away from his preoccupation with the stimuli of this world. In this way, his mind is capable of focus. He lets go of stimuli - sound, touch, sights, taste and smell - by pushing them away.

He abandons the emotions of desire and hatred that are driven by such stimuli.

He practices solitude - he stays in a space that’s free from all impediments to his focus.

He eats within limits, neither too much nor too little.

His speech, temperament and mind are disciplined by focus. Always intent on his focus, he keeps to the practice till he departs from his body. He takes recourse to shunning his desires by rejecting anything that’s not his focus, enhancing his detachment with every opportunity.

Casting aside the notion that the body is the Self, he leaves behind the force of past deeds that cause such a notion. He leaves behind the arrogance that comes from such a notion, along with desire, anger and the tendency to grab material items.

He is without possessiveness towards objects that don’t belong to him. He is peaceful, content in the experience of the Self alone.

In this way, performing with focus and concentration, he is fit to realize the Self. This person experiences the Self in its true form when he is free of all constraints.