
For Eternal Beginners

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ब्रह्मभूतः प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न कांक्षति ।
समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिम् लभते पराम् ॥ ५४ ॥

brahmabhUtaH prasannAtmA na zocati na kAMkSati |
samaH sarveSu bhUteSu madbhaktim labhate parAm || 54 ||

ब्रह्मभूतः [brahmabhUtaH] Having realized the Self, प्रसन्नात्मा [prasannAtmA] with a serene mind, ण शोचति [Na zocati] he doesn’t get upset न कांक्षति [na kAMkSati] and doesn’t yearn. समः [samaH] Such a person has equanimity सर्वेषु भूतेषु [sarveSu bhUteSu] among all beings. लभते [labhate] He attains परम् मद्भक्तिम् [param madbhaktim] the ultimate devotion to Me.

‘Realizing the Self’ is about uncovering the true nature of the Self.

By its very nature, the Self is pure, limitless expanse of knowledge. It exists for the Lord’s purpose - that is its sole characteristic. The Lord explained the fact that the Self belongs to Him in 7-5: ‘Know My ultimate nature - the Self, which is distinct in the form of a conscious being’

Having realized the Self, a person is endowed with a serene mind.

The Lord describes a serene mind: ‘It is un-stained by anguish or activity. It isn’t bothered about anything other than Me. He doesn’t yearn for anything - In fact, such a person is indifferent to all distinctions among beings other than Me.

That’s why such a person has an even outlook. He considers all materials in this world to be insignificant’.

With this worship, we gain limitless love for the Lord.

The Lord continues to describe His relationship: ‘Such a person achieves ultimate devotion to Me - This person sees Me as the Supreme Lord, running the activities of creation, sustenance and destruction as My sport.

I repel everything that’s undesirable. I am the harmony of unbroken, unlimited, infinite number of fortunate qualities. He experiences ultimate devotion towards Me in the form of excessive adoration. I am his owner, the inexhaustible sea of beauty and attractiveness, having lotus eyes, always in the company of Lakshmi’.

Next, the Lord describes the outcome of such devotion -