
For Eternal Beginners

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स्वभावजेन कौन्तेय निबद्धः स्वेन कर्मणा ।
कर्तुम् नेच्छसि यन्मोहात् करिष्यसि अवशोऽपि तत् ॥ ६० ॥

svabhAvajena kaunteya nibaddhaH svena karmaNA |
kartum necchasi yanmohAt kariSyasi avazo'pi tat || 60 ||

कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, निबद्धः [nibaddhaH] being tired down स्वेन कर्मणा [svena karmaNA] by your own actions स्वभावजेन [svabhAvajena] born out of inherent nature , अवशः करिष्यसि [avazaH kariSyasi] you will unwittingly do तत् अपि [tat api] that very activity, यत् [yat] which नेच्छसि [necchasi] you don’t wish कर्तुम् [kartum] to do मोहात् [mohAt] due to ignorance.

Valiant confrontation is the activity that flows from the inherent nature of a warrior. You are bound by this valor, since it comes from your inherent nature.

You wouldn’t be able to exercise your free will, being tied down by such bonds. When others rub it in, you wouldn’t be able to tolerate their insult. In this way you will end up fighting the very war you wanted to avoid - due to the opinions you formed out of ignorance.

All species are governed by Me, the Supreme Lord, to comply with the environment according to their past deeds. Listen to this now -