
For Eternal Beginners

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स्वधर्मम् अपि चावेक्ष्य न विकम्पितुमर्हसि ।
धर्म्यात् हि युद्धात् श्रेयोऽन्यत् क्षत्रियस्य न विद्यते ॥ ३१ ॥

svadharmam api cAvekSya na vikampitumarhasi |
dharmyAt hi yuddhAt zreyo'nyat kSatriyasya na vidyate || 31 ||

अपि च [api ca] Moreover, अवेक्ष्य [avekSya] considering स्वधर्मम् [svadharmam] your own code of conduct, न अर्हसि [na arhasi] it is not appropriate for you विकम्पितुम् [vikampitum] to be afraid. क्षत्रियस्य [kSatriyasya] For a warrior, अन्यत् न विद्यते [anyat na vidyate] there is nothing else श्रेयः [zreyaH] more appropriate than धर्म्यात् हि युद्धात् [dharmyAt hi yuddhAt] a righteous war.

Moreover, being a warrior, you must recognize this war as your duty. Even though it will cause the death of many people, it is not appropriate that you are overcome with fear.

For a warrior, the words ‘duty’ and ‘righteousness’ imply there can be nothing better than a war fought for justice. As said in 18-43: ‘Valor, energy, resolve, fitness and not running away in war characterize an administrator’s activities born out of inherent nature’.

In this war, those who have died will obtain better bodies, as said before in 2-22: ‘Just as a person discards old worn-out clothes and acquires new ones’. It is similar to a doctor using his instruments for the purpose of curing a disease.