
For Eternal Beginners

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कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन ।
मा कर्म फल हेतुर्भूः मा ते सङ्गोऽस्तु अकर्मणि ॥ ४७ ॥

karmaNyevAdhikAraste mA phaleSu kadAcana |
mA karma phala heturbhUH mA te saGgo'stu akarmaNi || 47 ||

ते अधिकारः [te adhikAraH] You have authority कर्मणि एव [karmaNi eva] only in action, मा फलेषु कदाचन [mA phaleSu kadAcana] never in the outcome of those actions. मा भूः [mA bhUH] Do not consider yourself to be हेतुः [hetuH] the reason for कर्म फल [karma phala] outcomes arising from those actions. मा ते सङ्गः अस्तु [mA te saGgaH astu] May you not be attached अकर्मणि [akarmaNi] to inaction.

The word हेतुः [hetuH] is translated as ‘the reason for’. The ‘reason for’ something is in two ways: As the cause, or as the purpose. Both ways hold here: Outcomes don’t happen for your purpose. You aren’t the only cause behind them either.

You have the authority to initiate activity. You are not the one who makes things happen.

Your authority lies in action alone. Actions could be routine activities that you do daily, or work done to achieve your desires. Always be situated in the property of wisdom ( sattva ) and have a longing for moksha . Never do you have authority over the outcome associated with actions.

Everything we do while expecting a desired outcome is binding in nature. Actions done without expectation for outcomes, which are done as a way to worship Me are liberating. They will support you in achieving moksha . Do not consider yourself to be the cause of the outcome of your actions.

While you yearn for liberty , you are situated in the quality of sattva . Do not consider yourself as the one who makes things happen , even though you initiated the action. For instance, even in case of simple activities such as eating, don’t consider yourself to be the cause or the purpose of getting rid of hunger.

Trust the cause of both actions and outcomes to be within the three qualities or within Me, the Lord of everything. A future Shloka (3-30) elaborates this. Apply this concept and do your work.

Do not avoid activity.

Do not be attracted towards the concept of not doing anything. Don’t avoid work in the way you said ‘I will not fight’ (2-9). Always be associated with activity in the manner described.

Next, the Lord clarifies this same concept-