
For Eternal Beginners

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सह यज्ञैः प्रजाः सृष्ट्वा पुरोवाच प्रजापतिः ।
अनेन प्रसविष्यध्वम् एष वोऽअस्तु इष्ट कामधुक् ॥ १० ॥

saha yajJaiH prajAH sRSTvA purovAca prajApatiH |
anena prasaviSyadhvam eSa vo'astu iSTa kAmadhuk || 10 ||

प्रजापतिः [prajApatiH] The Lord of all beings सृष्ट्वा [sRSTvA] created प्रजाः [prajAH] living beings, सह यज्ञैः [saha yajJaiH] along with various forms of worship पुरा [purA] long ago उवाच [uvAca] and said: प्रसविष्यध्वम् [prasaviSyadhvam] Prosper अनेन [anena] by these forms of worship. एष [eSa] May these forms of worship अस्तु [astu] be इष्ट कामधुक् [iSTa kAmadhuk] the fulfiller of your likes and desires.

The ‘Lord of all beings’ here refers to Narayana, who is the ruler of everything, the cause of the creation of the universe, who pervades it entirely, who is the supreme abode of all beings. He created all beings long ago, at the time of creation.

At the time of creation, the Lord knew that many beings were helpless under the influence of their innumerable deeds. In the singularity before creation, there was no way to distinguish things with names. They were dissolved in the Lord himself and were unable to realize their goals. They were as if without consciousness.

The compassionate Lord willed to bring them to life. He created them along with the forms of worship that are required to adore the Lord. He said- ‘Prosper and grow with the various forms of worship . Let them (the forms of worship) give you the ultimate goal of moksha , and also satisfy other desires that are supportive to this goal.’

How does this mechanism work?