
For Eternal Beginners

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द्रव्य यज्ञास्तपो यज्ञाः योग यज्ञास्तथापरे ।
स्वाध्याय ज्ञान यज्ञाश्च यतयः सम्शित व्रताः ॥ २८ ॥

dravya yajJAstapo yajJAH yoga yajJAstathApare |
svAdhyAya jJAna yajJAzca yatayaH samzita vratAH || 28 ||

अपरे [apare] Others द्रव्य यज्ञाः [dravya yajJAH] worship using material things, तपोयज्ञाः [tapoyajJAH] some worship through penance, तथा योगयज्ञाः [tathA yogayajJAH] and some worship by reaching a destination. स्वाध्याय ज्ञान यज्ञाः च [svAdhyAya jJAna yajJAH ca] Yet others worship by studying the scriptures and understanding the meaning contained in them. यतयः सम्शित व्रताः [yatayaH samzita vratAH] All of them are dedicated and have firm focus.

Working, offering something, breathing, self-control: each one is a form of worship.

Other people commit themselves to work without being driven by outcomes. They practice the worship of the divine Lord by offering material things, which are earned in a just manner. Some do it by donating things, some others by performing याग [yAga] - ceremonies in which contributions are gifted to others. Some do it through होम [homa] - offerings in fire. All these are methods to worship using material things.

Yet others practice devotion through penance- for example, by fasting in various ways. Some do it by reaching a certain destination– a place of worship (The word योग [yoga] is used in this Shloka to indicate this particular variety of karmayOga , accomplished by reaching a place of worship). Some of them apply themselves to a study of the scriptures, while some focus on realizing the meaning contained in there.

All of them are dedicated people. They are said to have firm focus.