
For Eternal Beginners

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सर्व भूतस्थम् आत्मानम् सर्व भूतानि चात्मनि ।
ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा सर्वत्र समदर्शनः ॥ २९ ॥

sarva bhUtastham AtmAnam sarva bhUtAni cAtmani |
IkSate yogayuktAtmA sarvatra samadarzanaH || 29 ||

योग युक्तात्मा [yoga yuktAtmA] A person who is firm in his quest for the Self ईक्षते [IkSate] sees आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] himself सर्व भूतस्थम् [sarva bhUtastham] as being present within every being, [ca] and सर्व भूतानि [sarva bhUtAni] all the beings आत्मनि [Atmani] in his Self. सर्वत्र समदर्शनः [sarvatra samadarzanaH] He has an equal outlook everywhere.

The Self in you is identical to the Self in every other being.

A person who is immersed in work that is independent of desire , who is committed to the realization of the Self, sees that all beings including him have an identical form when they are detached from the environment – A form, which is pure knowledge. All differences observed are a manifestation of the environment.

Thus, he sees the Self in everyone as being equal, since the Self is pure knowledge when it is separated from the environment. He sees his own Self situated in other beings and other beings situated in his own Self. Meaning, he sees his own Self as having the same form as all beings and the Self in all beings having an identical form as his own. Seeing one Self is the same as seeing the Self in all beings, due to their equivalence.

This is also expressed in other Shlokas, such as (6-33): ‘The state called yoga , which was told by You as equanimity’ and (5-19): ‘When devoid of faults, the Self in everyone is whole and complete’.