
For Eternal Beginners

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सर्वभूतस्थम् यो माम् भजति एकत्वमास्थितः ।
सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि स योगी मयि वर्तते ॥ ३१ ॥

sarvabhUtastham yo mAm bhajati ekatvamAsthitaH |
sarvathA vartamAno'pi sa yogI mayi vartate || 31 ||

यो [yo] The person who भजति [bhajati] worships माम् [mAm] Me, सर्वभूतस्थम् [sarvabhUtastham] the one who is situated in all beings, एकत्वम् आस्थितः [ekatvam AsthitaH] believes in My uniqueness and exists in one-ness with Me. सः योगी [saH yogI] This person, who is in the quest for the Self मयि वर्तते [mayi vartate] resides in Me, अपि [api] even though सर्वथा वर्तमानः [sarvathA vartamAnaH] he exists in all kinds of situations.

In the state of yoga , where the person is focused on realizing the Self, he is situated in unity with Me and believes in My unique nature – that is due to the fact that I am situated in every being and My form is unlimited knowledge.

This person worships Me with a firm mind, giving up all differences that are created by the environment. Even when such a person arises out of the state of yoga , even when he is involved in various deeds, even as he perceives himself and all the other beings, he always sees Me – he resides in Me. Meaning, he always sees an equivalence to Me in his own Self and in all beings as well.

Next, he describes the state of being that is at an even higher state of maturity: