
For Eternal Beginners

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प्राप्य पुण्यकृतान् लोकान् उषित्वा शाश्वतीः समाः ।
शुचीनाम् श्रीमताम् गेहे योग भ्रष्टोऽभिजायते ॥ ४१ ॥

prApya puNyakRtAn lokAn uSitvA zAzvatIH samAH |
zucInAm zrImatAm gehe yoga bhraSTo'bhijAyate || 41 ||

योग भ्रष्टः [yoga bhraSTaH] A person who has started on the path to realize the Self but has slipped प्राप्य [prApya] obtains पुण्यकृतान् लोकान् [puNyakRtAn lokAn] fortunate environments, उषित्वा [uSitvA] lives there शाश्वतीः समाः [zAzvatIH samAH] for a long time अभिजायते [abhijAyate] and will be born शुचीनाम् गेहे [zucInAm gehe] to a family of open and affectionate people, श्रीमताम् [zrImatAm] who are endowed with good material comforts.

A person diverts from the path of realizing the Self due to some desires. This person will then obtain worlds that are available to virtuous people. He enjoys those very types of desires at their best for a long time. He enjoys all this due to the greatness of the yoga he has practiced.

He lives there for a long time, till his desires conclude.

Finally, his desire for that kind of enjoyment fades away. Then, this person, who slipped after starting his practice of yoga is born to a family of open and affectionate people who are endowed with good comforts – meaning, people who have initiated the practice of yoga and who are capable of accomplishing it.

This birth is again due to the greatness of the practice of yoga , which he has started.