For Eternal Beginners
अथवा योगिनाम् एव कुले भवति धीमताम् ।
एतद्धि दुर्लभतरम् लोके जन्म यदीदृशम् ॥ ४२ ॥
athavA yoginAm eva kule bhavati dhImatAm |
etaddhi durlabhataram loke janma yadIdRzam || 42 ||
A person who slipped after going further on the path to realize the Self भवव्ति
is born कुले
to a family धीमताम्
of wise people who are capable of teaching, योगिनामेव
and who themselves practice the realization of the Self. यत् ईदृशम् जन्म
[yat IdRzam janma]
This type of birth एतत् दुर्लभतरम् हि
[etat durlabhataram hi]
is extremely rare and difficult to get लोके
in this world.
When a person’s realization of the Self has progressed to become mature and he slips from the path of yoga , he is born in a great and wise family whose members themselves practice yoga and are capable of teaching this to others.
These two types of births – in a family of people who are capable of yoga and among people who practice it – are extremely rare for ordinary beings of this world. They are achieved by the greatness of yoga .