
For Eternal Beginners

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येषाम् तु अन्तगतम् पापम् जनानाम् पुण्यकर्मणाम् ।
ते द्वन्द्व मोह निर्मुक्ता भजन्ते माम् दृढव्रताः ॥ २८ ॥

yeSAm tu antagatam pApam janAnAm puNyakarmaNAm |
te dvandva moha nirmuktA bhajante mAm dRDhavratAH || 28 ||

तु [tu] However, पुण्यकर्मणम् जनानाम् [puNyakarmaNam janAnAm] people who have done virtuous things, येषाम् पापम् [yeSAm pApam] whose vile deeds अन्तगतम् [antagatam] have come to an end ते द्वन्द्व मोह निर्मुक्ताः [te dvandva moha nirmuktAH] get freed from the ignorance that’s in the form of the dualities we experience माम् भजन्ते [mAm bhajante] and worship Me दृढव्रताः [dRDhavratAH] with firm resolve.

While everyone is born with delusion, how do some of us end up knowing the Lord?

Misfortune trails everyone over many cycles of births and deaths, causing desire and aversion towards the dualities of Nature. It prevents them from looking up to Me by suppressing their natural inclination to be with Me.

In a few people, this misfortune has come to an end due to virtue that’s accumulated over many lives. These people take refuge in Me in different ways, in-line with their virtues as described before in 7-16. They get free from the delusions of the three qualities . They resolve to worship Me alone – for freedom from infirmity and death, for great wealth or to attain Me.

The Lord described four types of people in 7-16: ‘Four types of virtuous people worship Me: The distressed who want to regain what they lost, those who are curious, those who want to acquire wealth and those who know’. The first and third are similar, since they crave wealth. So, the next Shlokas refer to them as ‘three’ types of people: Those who are curious to realize the imperishable Self, those who seek material wealth and those who know.

Now, The Lord describes the specialties that are to be known and practiced by the three types of people who worship the Lord.