
For Eternal Beginners

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मनुष्याणाम् सहस्रेषु कश्चित् यतति सिद्धये ।
यततामपि सिद्धानाम् कश्चिन्माम् वेत्ति तत्वतः ॥ ३ ॥

manuSyANAm sahasreSu kazcit yatati siddhaye |
yatatAmapi siddhAnAm kazcinmAm vetti tatvataH || 3 ||

मनुष्याणाम् सहस्रेषु [manuSyANAm sahasreSu] Among thousands of people, कश्चित् [kazcit] someone यतति [yatati] persists in his endeavor सिद्धये [siddhaye] to achieve supreme knowledge. यततामपि सिद्धानाम् [yatatAmapi siddhAnAm] Even among those who persevere to achieve this knowledge, कश्चिन्माम् [kazcinmAm] someone among them वेत्ति [vetti] will know Me तत्वतः [tatvataH] in My true form.

Among thousands of people who are eligible to gain knowledge from the scriptures, perhaps one would persevere till the final goal is reached. Among thousands of people who persevere till the goal is reached, perhaps one would know me and aspire to gain the ultimate goal from Me. Among the people who know Me, perhaps one would know Me in my true form, as I really am. The opinion expressed here is: Everyone doesn’t understand the Lord.

Our understanding comes from breakdown and analysis. The Lord cannot be analyzed in this way. How do we grasp Him?

As said in 7-19: ‘Such a great person is extremely difficult to find’; In 7-26: ‘There isn’t anyone who knows Me’.