
For Eternal Beginners

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साधिभूत अधिदैवम् माम् साधियज्ञम् च ये विदुः ।
प्रयाण काले अपि माम् ते विदुः युक्त चेतसाः ॥ ३० ॥

sAdhibhUta adhidaivam mAm sAdhiyajJam ca ye viduH |
prayANa kAle api mAm te viduH yukta cetasAH || 30 ||

ये [ye] Those माम् विदुः [mAm viduH] who know Me, साधिभूत [sAdhibhUta] existing with the entire material creation, अधिदैवम् [adhidaivam] the divine agent operating in material objects साधियज्ञम् च [sAdhiyajJam ca] and with the attribute of being above all worship, युक्त चेतसाः [yukta cetasAH] who have concentrated their thoughts in devotion, ते माम् विदुः [te mAm viduH] they would know Me प्रयाण काले [prayANa kAle] at the time of leaving their body अपि [api] too.

Since the phrase ‘Those who…’ is repeated in this Shloka, it indicates the other set of people, distinct from those described in the previous Shloka. They’re the ones that desire wealth and those who know Me along with My effects - effects that are observed to come from materials, as well as the effect of various forces of nature.

Though this statement looks like a fact, it’s actually a mandate - the three types of people who worship the Lord must know that The Lord is above all worship. It means the methods of worship apply to all the three types. All of them need to do their routine and prescribed activities. They do it for the Lord’s purpose in His refuge. This is inevitable.

The Lord states- At the time of leaving their body, all of them will know Me in-line with their aspiration.

The word ‘too’ says that the people described in the previous Shloka - who are curious to realize the Self, free from infirmity and death - will also know me at the time leaving this world.

This statement applies to those who know as well. These people know The Lord as the purpose of all worship. They will also know me at the time of leaving this world, according to their aspiration. Their aspiration is to have their Self attain Me. They attain Me.