
For Eternal Beginners

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मत्तः परतरम् नान्यत् किन्चित् अस्ति धनन्जय ।

mattaH parataram nAnyat kincit asti dhananjaya |

धनन्जय [dhananjaya] Arjuna, न अस्ति किन्चित् [na asti kincit] there is absolutely nothing अन्यत् [anyat] else मत्तः परतरम् [mattaH parataram] that is beyond Me.

The word पर [para] means ‘beyond’, in the sense of being the basis of existence or the controller. For instance, gravitation is a basis of planetary motion and controls the path of movement. So, an understanding of gravity lies ‘beyond’ the understanding of planetary motion. In this Shloka, the Lord states that He has no other basis or controller.

My two natures are the basis of existence. I am the basis of their existence. By virtue of being the controller of the very consciousness that controls all conscious beings, I am the ultimate basis of everything. Further, I am the ultimate in having the qualities of knowledge, strength and power. Nothing else is beyond Me in knowledge, strength or power.

मयि सर्वम् इदम् प्रोतम् सूत्रे मणिगणा इव ॥ ७ ॥

mayi sarvam idam protam sUtre maNigaNA iva || 7 ||

इदम् सर्वम् [idam sarvam] All of this प्रोतम् [protam] is mounted मयि [mayi] in Me इव [iva] just as मणिगणा [maNigaNA] beads are strung सूत्रे [sUtre] in a string,

All entities of this universe are made from combinations of the conscious and non-conscious. They are in activity and cause other activities. They exist as though they were My body. Like a set of beads on a string, they have Me as the core of their Self. They have Me as their abode.

The fact that the universe exists as the body of the Lord, who is its owner and controller, who is situated inside everything, is given by the following references:

बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] , 3-7-3: The one, for whom the earth is His body

बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] , 3-7-22: The one, for whom our Self is His body

सुबाल [subAla] , 7: He is inside every being, destroys all faults, is divine and unique - He is Narayana.

In this way, the universe with all its beings exists as the body of the Lord. The Lord is situated inside everything as the Self inside the body.

Everything is a form of the Lord and the Lord exists in every form – since everything is His body and He is the ultimate Self. He continues in the following Shlokas, stating that everything relates to Him - that He is the one addressed by all words.