
For Eternal Beginners

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एतत् योनीनि भूतानि सर्वाणि इत्युपधारय ।
अहम् कृत्स्नस्य जगतः प्रभवः प्रलयस्तथा ॥ ६ ॥

etat yonIni bhUtAni sarvANi ityupadhAraya |
aham kRtsnasya jagataH prabhavaH pralayastathA || 6 ||

उपधारय [upadhAraya] Bear in mind that सर्वाणि भूतानि [sarvANi bhUtAni] all beings एतत् योनीनि [etat yonIni] owe their existence to the two natures. तथा [tathA] In this way, अहम् [aham] I am प्रभवः प्रलयः [prabhavaH pralayaH] the creator and the destroyer कृत्स्नस्य जगतः [kRtsnasya jagataH] of the entire universe.

I am an aggregate of these conscious and non-conscious beings. Know that all beings, right from the gods down to minute organisms and inanimate objects belong to Me. They appear to be higher and lower life forms. They are a combination of things that have the ability to perceive and things that don’t.

My two natures are the basis of their existence ( two natures of the Lord are: The material nature described in 7-4 and the conscious nature described in 7-5). Since they have My two natures as the basis of their existence, they definitely belong to Me.

In fact, the entire universe has My two natures as the basis for its existence. My two natures in turn have Me as the basis for their existence. By this fact, and by the fact that everything belongs to Me, know that I alone am the birth of the entire universe, I alone am its destruction and I alone am its controller.

This fact - that the Lord is the basis for all of nature’s beings, all of them being an aggregation of things that perceive and things that don’t - is established by statements in the scriptures:

सुबाल [subAla] , 2: The gross elements perish and settle in the subtle. The subtle rests in enlightenment. Enlightenment rests in darkness. Darkness becomes one with the Supreme Lord.

विष्णु पुराण [viSNu purANa] , 1-2-24: From Lord Vishnu’s form, there arise two forms - the supreme and the subject beings.

विष्णु पुराण [viSNu purANa] , 6-4-30 ,31: The nature that was described by Me, in both its gross and subtle forms, along with the subject beings perish into the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is the basis for the existence of every being and is the ultimate controller. The Supreme Lord, known by the name of Vishnu, is praised by verses in the Vedas and Vedanta.

These were some of the scriptures describing the relation of the universe to the Lord.