
For Eternal Beginners

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यत् अक्षरम् वेदविदो वदन्ति
विशन्ति यत् यतयो वीतरागाः ।
यत् इच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यम् चरन्ति
तत्ते पदम् सङ्ग्रहेण प्रवक्ष्ये ॥ ११ ॥

yat akSaram vedavido vadanti
vizanti yat yatayo vItarAgAH |
yat icchanto brahmacaryam caranti
tatte padam saGgraheNa pravakSye || 11 ||

प्रवक्ष्ये सङ्ग्रहेण [pravakSye saGgraheNa] I will now summarize ते [te] to you तत् पदम् [tat padam] that position, यत् [yat] which वेदविदः [vedavidaH] the people who know the Vedas अक्षरम् वदन्ति [akSaram vadanti] call as ‘the indestructible’; यत् [yat] that place, which यतयः [yatayaH] people who persevere वीतरागाः [vItarAgAH] without being driven by desire विशन्ति [vizanti] enter; यत् इच्छन्तो [yat icchanto] yearning for which, चरन्ति [caranti] people practice ब्रह्मचर्यम् [brahmacaryam] celibacy and study.

If you yearn for timeless knowledge of your Self, think of the Lord as the core of the Self.

The Lord continues- I will now tell you the essence of the position, yearning for which people study while practicing celibacy. People who know the Vedas call that position as ‘indestructible’. It is occupied by people who persevere without being driven by desire. This ‘position’ is a place where all consciousness goes. This is My indestructible form , which knows everything there is to know.

I now summarize the way in which this form is worshipped.