
For Eternal Beginners

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8-12 to 8-13

सर्वद्वाराणि सम्यम्य मनो हृदि निरुध्य च ।
मूर्ध्न्या आधायाऽत्मनः प्राणम् आस्थितो योगधारणाम् ॥ १२ ॥
ओमिति एकाक्षरम् ब्रह्म व्याहरन् माम् अनुस्मरन् ।
यः प्रयाति त्यजन् देहम् स याति परमाम् गतिम् ॥ १३ ॥

sarvadvArANi samyamya mano hRdi nirudhya ca |
mUrdhnyA AdhAyA'tmanaH prANam Asthito yogadhAraNAm || 12 ||
omiti ekAkSaram brahma vyAharan mAm anusmaran |
yaH prayAti tyajan deham sa yAti paramAm gatim || 13 ||

सम्यम्य [samyamya] Restraining सर्व द्वाराणि [sarva dvArANi] all the gateways of our experiences, मनः निरुध्य [manaH nirudhya] holding the mind in check हृदि [hRdi] within the heart, आधाय [AdhAya] having placed आत्मनः प्राणम् [AtmanaH prANam] his life-breath मूर्ध्नि [mUrdhni] at the summit, योग धारणम् आस्थितः [yoga dhAraNam AsthitaH] maintaining the state of yoga , व्याहरन् [vyAharan] chanting ओम् इति एकाक्षरम् ब्रह्म [om iti ekAkSaram brahma] the single syllable ‘Om’, which denotes the Lord, माम् अनुस्मरन् [mAm anusmaran] keeping Me in his thoughts देह त्यजन् [deha tyajan] while giving up his body: यः [yaH] The one who प्रयाति [prayAti] leaves in this way सः याति [saH yAti] attains परमाम् गतिम् [paramAm gatim] the ultimate goal.

A person who leaves his body while focusing all thoughts on Me would hold his life-breath at the summit and attain the supreme goal, chanting the single syllable ‘Om’ addressing Me.

This person restrains all sense organs from indulging. Sense organs such as ears and eyes are his doors of knowledge. He stations the mind to focus on Me, the indestructible one situated at his heart. He maintains the state of yoga - a state where he positions himself immovably in Me alone.

Such a person obtains the Self in a form that’s equal to Me, devoid of all limitations of the environment. He does not return from this ever again.

This is also mentioned later in this chapter: 8-20 says ‘The one who doesn’t perish when all beings perish’ and 8-21- ‘The subtle one doesn’t wear out. He is called the ultimate destination’.

Up until now, the Lord described methods to worship Him - practiced by people who yearn for wealth and those who yearn for an experience of the Self. Each of them worships in a way that is in-line with their aspirations.

Next, the Lord describes a method of worship, which is practiced by the one who knows . The Lord also describes the way in which such a person attains the Lord.