
For Eternal Beginners

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तस्मात् सर्वेषु कालेषु मामनुस्मर युध्य च ।
मय्यर्पित मनो बुद्धिः मामेवैष्यसि असम्शयः ॥ ७ ॥

tasmAt sarveSu kAleSu mAmanusmara yudhya ca |
mayyarpita mano buddhiH mAmevaiSyasi asamzayaH || 7 ||

तस्मात् [tasmAt] Hence, माम् अनुस्मर [mAm anusmara] remember Me repeatedly, thought after thought युध्य च [yudhya ca] and fight. अर्पित [arpita] Having given up मनो बुद्धिः [mano buddhiH] your mind and intellect मयि [mayi] in Me, असम्शयः एष्यसि [asamzayaH eSyasi] you will certainly attain माम् एव [mAm eva] Me - none other than the Lord.

The final thought comes by habit. Make it a habit to think about the Lord.

Till you leave this body, remember Me constantly in each of your thoughts every day - the thought that you practice will cause the ‘final thought’ at the end. Do the work suited to your nature - such as learning, making war, administration, trade or service - actions that give you My thought constantly, one day after another.

Having given up your mind and intellect in Me in this way, you shall think of Me alone while leaving your body. In this way, you will attain Me in the manner that you desire - there’s no uncertainty here.

The Lord stated that whatever we obtain is subject to our final thought. The Lord now begins to describe each of the three types of devotees in particular, their ways of worship and what they obtain.

In the next Shloka, The Lord describes the worship practiced by people yearning for wealth, along with the nature of the ‘final thought’ that comes with it.