
For Eternal Beginners

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अभ्यास योग युक्तेन चेतसाऽनन्यगामिना ।
परमम् पुरुषम् दिव्यम् याति पार्थ अनुचिन्तयन् ॥ ८ ॥

abhyAsa yoga yuktena cetasA'nanyagAminA |
paramam puruSam divyam yAti pArtha anucintayan || 8 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, युक्तेन [yuktena] by being with अभ्यास [abhyAsa] practice योग [yoga] and focus, चेतसा अनन्यगामिना [cetasA ananyagAminA] without allowing the consciousness to wander anywhere else, याति [yAti] he will attain परमम् पुरुषम् दिव्यम् [paramam puruSam divyam] the supreme divine being अनुचिन्तयन् [anucintayan] by thinking about it all the time.

With practice and focus every day, a person thinks about Me without allowing the consciousness to wander anywhere else. This person will think about Me at the end of his life and attain Me, as described in the next Shlokas.

If you yearn for wealth, think of the Lord as the owner of all wealth.

This person becomes equivalent to the Lord - by being associated with ultimate wealth that is equivalent to the Lord’s - just as in the example where a person thinks about a deer at the end of his life and gets that form.

Let’s now examine the words ‘practice’ and ‘focus’ in this Shloka.

‘Practice’ is the worship of the Lord in our minds at all times permitted by daily routine. It’s about making a habit of worshipping the Lord. ‘Focus’ is the worship of the Lord every day at a dedicated time, in a manner that has been described before in 6-13 and 6-14 and as bhakti