
For Eternal Beginners

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तपाम्यहम् अहम् वर्ष निगृह्णामि उत्सृजामि च ।
अमृतम् चैव मृत्युः च सदसत् च अहम् अर्जुन ॥ १९ ॥

tapAmyaham aham varSa nigRhNAmi utsRjAmi ca |
amRtam caiva mRtyuH ca sadasat ca aham arjuna || 19 ||

अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna, अहम् [aham] I तपामि [tapAmi] give rise to heat वर्षम् निगृह्णामि [varSam nigRhNAmi] I restrict rain उत्सृजामि च [utsRjAmi ca] and make it pour too. अहम् [aham] I am अमृतम् चैव [amRtam caiva] life itself, मृत्युः च [mRtyuH ca] I am death, सत् असत् च [sat asat ca] I am the real and the imaginary.

I cause heat in the form of the sun, a fire and so on. During times like the summer, I am the one who restricts the rains. Then, at the time of the monsoon, it is I who makes it rain. The entity by which all beings gain life and the one by which they die - both are Me.

I am the real and the imaginary - the ‘real’ refers to things that are present. The ‘imaginary’ refers to things which have happened in the past and those that have not yet happened.

There’s no need to elaborate more. The Lord has said-

‘All the conscious and non-conscious things, in all their states of existence, exist as My body . In this way, I am the one who is present in all those different forms. My devotees worship Me with single-minded thought, knowing that I have the entire universe as My body - this universe, containing all types of things, which are divided and classified in many ways. They worship Me, knowing that I am the one who is present in the form of all those different entities’.