
For Eternal Beginners

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यान्ति देवव्रता देवान्
पितृन् यान्ति पितृव्रताः ।
भूतानि यान्ति भूतेज्याः
यान्ति मद्याजिनोऽपि माम् ॥ २५ ॥

yAnti devavratA devAn
pitRn yAnti pitRvratAH |
bhUtAni yAnti bhUtejyAH
yAnti madyAjino'pi mAm || 25 ||

देवव्रताः [devavratAH] People who dedicate themselves to power यान्ति [yAnti] will achieve देवान् [devAn] those powers. पितृव्रताः [pitRvratAH] Those who dedicate themselves to their ancestors पितृन् यान्ति [pitRn yAnti] join those ancestors. भूतेज्यः [bhUtejyaH] Those who persevere to achieve material gains भूतानि यान्ति [bhUtAni yAnti] will attain those materials. मद्याजिनः [madyAjinaH] People who worship Me with the aim to achieve Me अपि [api] while dedicating themselves to any cause माम् यान्ति [mAm yAnti] will achieve Me.

Here, the word ‘dedication’ is used in the sense of ‘intent’ and ‘conviction’.

‘People who dedicate themselves to power’ are those who work to please various sources of power and devote themselves to those powers. They will achieve those powers. Similarly, those who commit to worship their elders and dedicate themselves to their service will join them. Those who persevere with the intent to achieve material gains will attain those materials.

The Lord lovingly accepts all offerings and activities of his devotees.

On the other hand, those who commit to worship Me do the same things - they may devote themselves to gain power, serve their elders and persevere to achieve material gains. They do all this while knowing that they are worshipping the Supreme Lord Krishna, the ultimate Self who has all of this as His body .

The Lord says ‘People who worship Me in this way will definitely achieve Me. Those who intend to gain power will achieve power, enjoy a little and eventually fall off when the power wanes. My devotees, on the other hand, achieve Me and never fall back. I am without birth or destruction. I know everything and My intent is always fulfilled. I am a great ocean of unlimited variety of great qualities, an abode of unbroken and infinite joy’.

Next, the Lord describes yet another aspect that’s special in His devotees: