
For Eternal Beginners

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9-4 to 9-5

मया ततम् इदम् सर्वम् जगत् अव्यक्त मूर्तिना ।
मत्स्थानि सर्व भूतानि न चाहम् तेषु अवस्थितः ॥ ४ ॥
न च मत्स्थानि भूतानि पश्य मे योगम् ऐश्वरम् ।
भूतभृत् न च भूतस्थो ममात्मा भूतभावनः ॥ ५ ॥

mayA tatam idam sarvam jagat avyakta mUrtinA |
matsthAni sarva bhUtAni na cAham teSu avasthitaH || 4 ||
na ca matsthAni bhUtAni pazya me yogam aizvaram |
bhUtabhRt na ca bhUtastho mamAtmA bhUtabhAvanaH || 5 ||

इदम् सर्वम् जगत् [idam sarvam jagat] This whole world ततम् [tatam] is pervaded मया [mayA] by Me, अव्यक्त मूर्तिना [avyakta mUrtinA] with My imperceptible form. सर्व भूतानि [sarva bhUtAni] All beings मत्स्थानि [matsthAni] are situated in Me [ca] and अहम् [aham] I न अवस्थितः [na avasthitaH] do not have any dependency तेषु [teSu] on them. [ca] Moreover, मत्स्थानि न [matsthAni na] I am not bound to carry भूतानि [bhUtAni] all beings. पश्य [pazya] Look at मे [me] My योगम् [yogam] status ऐश्वरम् [aizvaram] as being the owner of the universe. भूतभृत् [bhUtabhRt] I support these beings न च भूतस्थः [na ca bhUtasthaH] without being bound in them. मम आत्मा [mama AtmA] My intent भूत भावनः [bhUta bhAvanaH] causes all of them to be.

The will of the Lord causes all beings to ‘be’

This entire world, along with its conscious and non-conscious entities, is pervaded by Me. I pervade by being embedded in everything - in a form that’s invisible and not accessible by any sense organ. I pervade this world to control and carry it forward.

This pervasive nature of the Lord embedded in everything is also described in:

बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] , 3-7-3: ‘The one who is on the Earth… whom the Earth does not know’

बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] , 3-7-22: ‘The one who is inside the Self… whom the Self does not know’. Thus, the way in which all beings are pervaded has been described - conscious and non-conscious beings have the Lord embedded in them, while they don’t see it.

Then the Lord says it the other way around- ‘All beings are in Me’.

In other words: ‘All beings are in Me, while I am embedded in them’.

Further, the बृहदारण्यक [bRhadAraNyaka] describes the dependence of everything on the Lord. Every entity is controlled by Him, as though it were
His body
‘The One whose body is the Earth, The One who controls the Earth while being inside it’ and ‘The One whose body is the Self, The One who controls the Self from the inside’.

Then the Lord says: ‘I am not contained in them’. With this, He states- ‘I am not in a state of dependence on these beings. I need no returns from them’.

The Lord continues: ‘I am not bound to carry all beings’ - when I say that I carry all beings, it isn’t similar to a pot that carries water for some purpose. Then how does all this exist? The universe exists by My will.

The Lord elaborates in this Shloka: ‘Look at My status as being the owner of the universe’. Look at this astonishing state of being. It is unique to Me and doesn’t exist anywhere else. What is this state of being?

The Lord clarifies in this Shloka – ‘I support these beings without being bound in them. My intent causes all of them to be’ - I carry them and sustain them, while having no relationship of usefulness with them. I create, control and sustain purely by My intent - My intent is Mine alone, it does not depend on anything else.

Next, the Lord shows an example to illustrate that everything exists by his will.