
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रकृतिम् स्वाम् अवष्टभ्य विसृजामि पुनः पुनः ।
भूत ग्रामम् इमम् कृत्स्नम् अवशम् प्रकृतेर्वशात् ॥ ८ ॥

prakRtim svAm avaSTabhya visRjAmi punaH punaH |
bhUta grAmam imam kRtsnam avazam prakRtervazAt || 8 ||

विसृजामि [visRjAmi] I create इमम् कृत्स्नम् [imam kRtsnam] this entire भूत ग्रामम् [bhUta grAmam] system of beings पुनः पुनः [punaH punaH] again and again, प्रकृतिम् स्वम् अवष्टभ्य [prakRtim svam avaSTabhya] while keeping My material nature as the basis. प्रकृतेर्वशात् [prakRtervazAt] Under the influence of the material world, अवशम् [avazam] they are not free.

I create the various beings repeatedly over time, in the four forms of gods , humans, other animals and non-mobile beings, keeping My material nature as the basis. This material nature has varied forms and manifests in eight ways (see 7-4). It is rich in the three qualities and is very attractive. All types of beings are under the influence of this material world. Hence, they are deprived of freedom.

Now, you may doubt: If The Lord is so inconsiderate as to perform His act of creation in this way, doesn’t this merciless behavior tarnish Him in any way? The next Shloka resolves this question.