
For Eternal Beginners

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Chapter 5

The fourth chapter described activities that aren’t driven by attachment. Such activities stand out by the knowledge embedded in them. It was said (4-33) that these activities are pervaded by knowledge. Before that, in the third chapter (see 3-8), it was said that activity is the way to go- even for those who are capable of exclusive contemplation. Realization through activity is preferred to contemplation. This is due to the purity and knowledge contained in such activity. Moreover, these activities don’t require any other prerequisites or accessories.

This chapter explains that working without attachment is a quicker technique to realize the true nature of the Self, in comparison to exclusive contemplation. It also gives the method to internalize and apply the concept of ‘I am not the doer’- a concept that’s embedded in such work. Finally, it describes the knowledge that arises out of this method