
For Eternal Beginners

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अथैतत् अपि अशक्तोऽसि कर्तुम् मद्योगम् आश्रितः ।
सर्व कर्म फल त्यागम् ततः कुरु यतात्मवान् ॥ ११ ॥

athaitat api azakto'si kartum madyogam AzritaH |
sarva karma phala tyAgam tataH kuru yatAtmavAn || 11 ||

मद्योगम् आश्रितः [madyogam AzritaH] While being devoted to Me, अथ [atha] in case अशक्तः असि [azaktaH asi] you are unable एतत् कर्तुम् अपि [etat kartum api] to do this as well, ततः [tataH] then त्यागम् कुरु [tyAgam kuru] leave फल [phala] the outcomes सर्व कर्म [sarva karma] of all actions. यतात्मवान् [yatAtmavAn] Be a person who perseveres.

While being devoted to Me, let’s say you’re unable to do this as well - meaning, you’re unable to work for Me with devotion . Let’s say you’re unable to cultivate unwavering love towards Me, being unable to constantly keep thinking of My qualities.

In case you are unable to do all of this, embrace the pursuit of the Self. This was described in the first six chapters. Such pursuit generates ultimate devotion . As described in those chapters, be without attachment to the outcome of all actions.

Your love towards Me gives rise to the intention of achieving Me, only when all flaws have withered away. Keep persevering, irrespective of your senses and their desires.

Do your activities without attachment to their outcomes. Do them solely as My worship. Such activities enable you to focus on the Self. With this focus, your ignorance and all other obstacles are removed.

You will realize that the Self exists for My purpose alone. With this realization of the Self in you, ultimate devotion comes forth by itself.

Further, this is summarized in 18-46: ‘A person achieves the goal by worshipping Him with his actions’, going on to 18-53: ‘Being free of possessiveness, he gains peace and aspires to achieve equivalence to the Lord . Once he achieves this equivalence, he gains joy. He is free from desire and sorrow. Considering everyone to be equal, he gains ultimate devotion to Me’.