
For Eternal Beginners

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यतः प्रवृत्तिः भूतानाम् येन सर्वम् इदम् ततम् ।
स्वकर्मणा तम् अभ्यर्च्य सिद्धिम् विन्दति मानवः ॥ ४६ ॥

yataH pravRttiH bhUtAnAm yena sarvam idam tatam |
svakarmaNA tam abhyarcya siddhim vindati mAnavaH || 46 ||

मानवः [mAnavaH] Any human being विन्दति [vindati] attains सिद्धिम् [siddhim] the goal अभ्यर्च्य [abhyarcya] by worshipping तम् [tam] Him स्वकर्मणा [svakarmaNA] with his own work - येन [yena] He, by whom सर्वम् इदम् [sarvam idam] all this ततम् [tatam] is pervaded, यतः [yataH] from whom भूतानाम् [bhUtAnAm] all beings get प्रवृत्तिः [pravRttiH] their ability to commence action.

‘By whom all this is pervaded, from where all beings get their ability to commence action right from birth’ - He is The Lord.

He says ‘I am the One who is situated in this way. I sit as the essence of every power. A human being worships Me in this manner, with his own work. Such a person pleases Me and attains the goal of achieving Me. As I said before, everything comes from Me and everything is pervaded by Me’.

As said in 7-6 and 7-7: I am the creator and the destroyer of the entire universe. There is absolutely nothing else that is superior to Me.

9-4: This whole world is pervaded by Me, while My form is not perceptible.

9-10: The material environment manifests as this world, with all its stationary and mobile beings according to My will. I am the supreme controller.

10-8: I am the origin of everything; Every entity gets stimulated with the initiative given by Me.

In all the above places in the Gita, The Lord has described Himself as the One who is to be worshipped by all actions.