
For Eternal Beginners

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16-5 first part

दैवी सम्पत् विमोक्षाय नबन्धनायासुरी मता ।

daivI sampat vimokSAya nabandhanAyAsurI matA |

दैवी [daivI] Compliance to the Lord’s instructions सम्पत् [sampat] is an asset विमोक्षाय [vimokSAya] for liberation . मता [matA] The path of आसुरी [AsurI] disregarding for these instructions निबन्धनाय [nibandhanAya] is to bind a person in the material world.

The Lord’s instructions were illustrated before in this chapter . They are to be complied with. Such compliance is an asset that causes a person to work and to worship the Lord through his work. It liberates us to gradually achieve the Lord.

On the other hand, when we go against those instructions, we gather baggage that drives us to lower and lower depths. Its purpose is to bind us to the material world.

Having listened to this, Arjuna got apprehensive about his own character. In response to that, the Lord says -