
For Eternal Beginners

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द्वा भूतसर्गौ लोकेऽस्मिन् दैव असुर एव च ।
दैवो विस्तरशः प्रोक्तः आसुरम् पार्थ मे शृणु ॥ ६ ॥

dvA bhUtasargau loke'smin daiva asura eva ca |
daivo vistarazaH proktaH Asuram pArtha me zRNu || 6 ||

अस्मिन् लोके [asmin loke] In this world, द्वा भूतसर्गौ [dvA bhUtasargau] two types of beings take form - दैव [daiva] those who intend to comply to My instructions असुर [asura] and those who don’t . दैवो [daivo] The property of compliance प्रोक्तः [proktaH] was described विस्तरशः [vistarazaH] in an elaborate manner. पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, शृणु [zRNu] listen आसुरम् [Asuram] to the property of non-compliance मे [me] from Me.

This world is a world of action - all beings here are involved in activities. They commit virtue and vice over many lives. At the time of creation, they come into being in two attitudes - the attitude of compliance to the Lord’s instructions and the attitude of non-compliance.

Under the influence of virtue and vice committed over the ages, they are individually prone to follow the Lord’s instructions, or to break them.

Our attitudes are an effect of deeds we committed in the past.

The asset of compliance to the Lord’s instruction was elaborated before. The Lord continues- Those with this asset are born to a certain behavior and conduct, according to My principles . Such conduct has been elaborated in the form of karmayOga , jnAnayOga and bhaktiyOga .

Those with the intent to break the Lord’s instructions are born into different behavior and conduct. Be with Me and listen to that.