
For Eternal Beginners

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असत्यम् अप्रतिष्ठम् ते जगदाहुः अनीश्वरम् ।
अपरस्पर सम्भूतम् किमन्यत् काम हेतुकम् ॥ ८ ॥

asatyam apratiSTham te jagadAhuH anIzvaram |
aparaspara sambhUtam kimanyat kAma hetukam || 8 ||

ते [te] They आहुः [AhuH] say that जगत् [jagat] this world असत्यम् [asatyam] does not have any truth, that it’s not a manifestation of the Lord; अप्रतिष्ठम् [apratiSTham] that the world is not situated in the Supreme Lord; अनीश्वरम् [anIzvaram] that it is not controlled by the Lord. अपरस्पर सम्भूतम् [aparaspara sambhUtam] They claim that the creation of offspring by the association between a male and a female is the only form of creation. There is no creation apart from this - किम् अन्यत् [kim anyat] What else? काम हेतुकम् [kAma hetukam] Everything in this world is driven by desire.

People who disregard the Lord’s instruction do not say that there is an ultimate truth in the form of the Lord, with the world as His work. They do not consider the Lord as the ultimate Self of everything. They do not say that the world is situated in the Lord either.

In reality, the earth and everything else is supported and sustained by the limitless Lord. This is stated in विश्णु पुराण [vizNu purANa] , 2-5-27: ‘Adisesha, the best among snakes, dons the earth, which supports all compliant and non-compliant beings’. Adisesha is a part of the Lord.

Those who disregard the Lord’s instructions say that the world is not controlled by the Lord - They do not agree that the Lord’s will is always accomplished, nor do they acknowledge that He controls everything. That goes against 10-8, where the Lord reveals his real nature: ‘I am the origin of everything; Each and every entity gets stimulated with the initiative given by Me’.

They claim - ‘Life is created by the association between a man and a woman; how else does it happen? We see that humans and animals are born out of the association between a male and a female, don’t we? Is there a different kind of birth? We don’t see it anywhere. So, this whole world is driven by desire’.