
For Eternal Beginners

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अधिभूतम् क्षरो भावः पुरुषश्च अधिदैवतम् ।
अधियज्ञो अहमेव अत्र देहे देहभृताम् वर ॥ ४ ॥

adhibhUtam kSaro bhAvaH puruSazca adhidaivatam |
adhiyajJo ahameva atra dehe dehabhRtAm vara || 4 ||

देहभृताम् वर [dehabhRtAm vara] O best among the beings who have a body, अधिभूतम् [adhibhUtam] the entire material creation क्षरो भावः [kSaro bhAvaH] has the effect of eventually wearing out. अधिदैवतम् च [adhidaivatam ca] Further, the ‘divine agent’ पुरुषः [puruSaH] is the person who is above all forces of the universe. अधियज्ञो [adhiyajJo] The purpose of worship अहमेव [ahameva] is none other than Me, अत्र देहे [atra dehe] situated inside the body.

The entire material creation, which is to be known by people who yearn for wealth, is experienced to wear out. It is in the nature of material things - everything eventually wears out. This effect resides in stimuli such as sound and touch as well. The various sounds, touch, beauty, taste and smells are sought by people who yearn for wealth. Such people yearn for these stimuli, along with the things that stimulate.

The ‘divine agent’ is the supreme person - the one who is above all powers, the one who is the real enjoyer of all experiences. People who yearn for wealth must be in the quest of this state of enjoyment.

The purpose of all work and worship is Me. I am the one who is gratified by worship. I am situated as the basis of everyone’s Self and they are like My body . In this way, I am the one who is served when people gratify anyone by worship. The three types of worshippers must keep this in mind, while performing various forms of worship.