
For Eternal Beginners

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तत्रैकस्थम् जगत् कृत्स्नम् प्रविभक्तम् अनेकधा ।
अपश्यत् देवदेवस्य शरीरे पान्डवस्तदा ॥ १३ ॥

tatraikastham jagat kRtsnam pravibhaktam anekadhA |
apazyat devadevasya zarIre pAnDavastadA || 13 ||

तदा [tadA] Then, पान्डवः अपश्यत् [pAnDavaH apazyat] Arjuna saw कृत्स्नम् जगत् [kRtsnam jagat] the entire universe अनेकधा प्रविभक्तम् [anekadhA pravibhaktam] with its manifold variety तत्र [tatra] over there, एकस्थम् [ekastham] in one place शरीरे [zarIre] inside the body देवदेवस्य [devadevasya] of the Lord of Lords.

This entire universe forms a small part of the Lord’s body.

There, Arjuna saw the entire universe with its manifold variety, in one place inside the body of the Lord. Arjuna saw this with ‘divine vision’, which is the capability to see the Lord in this way, obtained by the compassion of the Lord Himself.

The Lord’s form has infinite length and expanse. It has infinite arms, torsos, faces and eyes. It has limitless brilliance, infinite weapons that are not bound by the material world, with uncountable decorations that suit the Lord’s form. It is adorned with extraordinary garlands and aromas.

In this limitless and astounding body of the Lord, Arjuna saw the entire variety of the universe, which is classified in many ways: Organisms that can experience things- such as powerful people, ordinary humans, animals, stationary beings and so on; Places where things can be experienced: on the earth, under the earth, in the sky, on other heavenly bodies, at bottomless depths, below and above everything.

Arjuna saw the variety of environments with their varieties of experiences and instruments that enable each experience.

Arjuna saw the Lord as He described Himself, beginning at 10-8 ‘I am the origin of everything; Each and every entity gets stimulated with the initiative given by Me’, continuing in 10-19 ‘I will tell you what stands out in the favorable expanse of My might and My irresistible will’, 10-21 ‘In the powers of nature , I am Vishnu, the all-pervasive’, 10-39 ‘It is impossible for any being, moving or stationary, to exist without Me’, finishing with 10-42 ‘I support and control this entire universe, which is situated in one part of My being’.