
For Eternal Beginners

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11-40 part 2

अनन्त वीर्यामित विक्रमस्त्वम्
सर्वम् समाप्नोषि ततोऽसि सर्वः ॥ ४० ॥

ananta vIryAmita vikramastvam
sarvam samApnoSi tato'si sarvaH || 40 ||

त्वम् अनन्त वीर्य [tvam ananta vIrya] You have unlimited valor अमित विक्रमः [amita vikramaH] and infinite might. समाप्नोषि [samApnoSi] You pervade as the Self in everything, ततः [tataH] hence सर्वः असि [sarvaH asi] You are everything.

‘Valor’ is the ability to perform great deeds while being unaffected as a result of doing them.

With unlimited valor, You have infinite might and are present as the Self in everything. Hence You are everything. Since You pervade all conscious and non-conscious things as their Self, they are present as Your body .

In this way, You alone are addressed by all words.

It was mentioned in 11-37 ‘You are the imperishable, You are the outcome and the origin’ and in 11-39 ‘You are the wind, restraint, fire, the atmosphere, the ocean, the moon, the leader of people, and their great-grandfather - their origin’. You have equivalence to everything - that’s because You are present as the Self in everything. This is described appropriately in 11-38 ‘You are the One with an unending form; the universe is pervaded by You’.