
For Eternal Beginners

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अनन्य चेताः सततम् यो माम् स्मरति नित्यशः ।
तस्याहम् सुलभः पार्थ नित्य युक्तस्य योगिनः ॥ १४ ॥

ananya cetAH satatam yo mAm smarati nityazaH |
tasyAham sulabhaH pArtha nitya yuktasya yoginaH || 14 ||

पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, अहम् सुलभः [aham sulabhaH] I am easily available तस्य [tasya] to a person यो माम् स्मरति [yo mAm smarati] who thinks about Me सततम् [satatam] at all times, नित्यशः [nityazaH] right from the time he starts his journey to achieve Me. योगिनः [yoginaH] He is My devoted follower, अनन्य चेताः [ananya cetAH] and doesn’t let his mind wander among other subjects. नित्य युक्तस्य [nitya yuktasya] He is always attached to Me.

If you yearn for the Lord Himself, just adore him!

The Lord begins by saying -

I am easily available to the person who remembers Me at all times, without getting drawn towards other things, right from the time he starts his endeavor to attain Me. Due to limitless affection towards Me, this person cannot exist in his body without having My thought.

In this way, he thinks about Me with unbounded affection. I am easily available to such a devoted person, who yearns for ever-lasting attachment towards Me. This person is going to attain Me - not just equivalence in terms of wealth, joy or other attributes.

I will gratify him Myself, unable to tolerate any separation from him. I Myself will give him the quality of having excessive affection towards Me. I will grant him the ultimate form of My service, as appropriate to achieve Me. I will remove all obstacles that come in the way of rendering service to Me.

As said in the scriptures, in मुंडक [muMDaka] , 3-2-3: The Lord is achievable only to the people who are favored by the Lord.

It is also said in 10-10 and 10-11: To those who worship me with affection and are always attached to Me, I will give that intellect – बुद्धियोग [buddhiyoga] - using which they achieve Me. By My compassion towards them, I will station Myself in their minds. Shining as the lamp of knowledge, I shall destroy darkness that is generated by the ignorance in them.

In the remaining part of this chapter after the next Shloka, the Lord explains that the people who know and those who yearn for an experience of the Self do not return to the limitations of this world. Those who yearn for wealth do return.

Just as a reminder: Those who yearn for wealth, those who yearn for an experience of the Self and those who know are the three types of people who worship the Lord.